
Limestone Granule & Powder – An indispensable ingredient in animal feed


Limestone is a nutritional feed supplement. Limestone is primarily used in stock feed as a calcium source. Limestone varies in composition and as such, available Calcium also varies. Calcium is the most abundant chemical in the body. About 98% of the bodies calcium is in the skeleton and teeth and represents about 2% of the animal's body weight. 

Animals require Calcium for teeth and bone formation, the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle excitability, cardiac regulation, blood clotting, and activation of enzymes.

Limestone can be included in foods and diets for Beef and Dairy cattle, Poultry, Horses, and Sheep...

Calcium is required by all groups of livestock, amounts are dependent to age and environment, young growing animals. A Calcium deficiency in young stock can prevent normal bone growth and retard general growth.

It is vital that calcium levels are correct for the target species, calcium availability decreases when an animal intake exceeds its requirements, absorption declines regardless of calcium availability.

Limestone as a Calcium source has no withholding period, but should be s